Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Mama's little helper

This is my 100th entry about Logan- amazingly enough thats all its been. Today he was my little helper. He was helping make some grilled cheese sandwiches for all of us for lunch. He insists on sitting on the counter and helping with everything from dishes to making supper to getting himself some milk. So, he is quite a little helper- sometimes a little too much. The towel is for the spilled milk when he tried putting the cover on his sippy cup.

He amazes me more and more every day with how much he is talking. He will just blurt out words and its so fun to hear because I am sure that we have taught him almost all of them and it means that he truly is learning. The only thing we have to work on is the word shirt. It does not come out as shirt. There is a missing R in there some where. 

1 comment:

Nikki said...

Abby dumps water on herself EVERY day; on the table, too. But then she'll get a rag and clean it up. It's very sweet--the cleaning part I mean. She loves to help as well. She brings me my shoes whenever I say it's time to go.