Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter

We are hoping that everyone had an awesome Easter. This year was Logan's first. We went to Brian's Aunt and Uncles. Lots of food was eaten and lots of people were there. I just wanted share some pictures from the day.

Here is Logan the morning of Easter. As you can tell, he could care less about some bunny hopping around giving everyone candy!

Cousin Sydney came over to go to church with us and she had to make sure that she had her picture taken with Logan.

Our second family picture. I don't like how I look but everyone else looks pretty good.

Here is Logan. He is wishing everyone a "Happy Easter!"
Here is Chloe after his Easter dinner. It was a lot of work being him today.

Monday, April 6, 2009

4 1/2 months old already

Logan is almost five months old already. It really is amazing how fast time flies. I love every single minute that I spend with him. He makes me smile and its amazing to see the things that he learns. He loves it when we read books now and he is starting to giggle and can be very ticklish. So, hearing him giggle is the best sound in the whole world.

Like I said, we started big boy food a little while ago. We are through the veggies and two fruits in. He likes carrots, green beans, and seems to like pears!

He is just getting big so fast it is hard to believe. We bought him a bouncer and he seems to like it. It lets him look around and see everything that is going on!

He is starting to look like his mom more and more each day!