Monday, April 12, 2010

Super Boy

Super Boy to the rescue! I decided to put on some PJs that Logan got for Christmas, the pants are a little big (suprise suprise) but if you roll them in the waist they fit him. Here he was a little busy eating his fruit roll up to pay any attention to Mom.
Here is the back of it with his removable cape. I think he looks pretty darn cute.

I have a quick story to share as well. Tonight I realized how grown up my little boy is getting. He was trying to climb into the bath so I asked him if he was ready for bath time and he said, "Ya." So, I told him to take off his socks and pants and he could take a bath. So, he sat down and took off one sock. Then he procceeded to throw his sock into the laundry hamper. He came back and removed the other and also threw that in the hamper. The pants he needed a little help getting off but he did good. I can't believe how big he is getting and how he is learning to do stuff like put his clothes in the laundry hamper. Makes me a little sad. Not the laundry hamper part but the growing up part.

1 comment:

Nikki said...

I love his little cape. ☺ And that is so neat that he throws his clothes into the hamper. What a little helper!