Monday, April 19, 2010

Church Bound

On Sunday we were heading to church only we had one extra person with us. Sydney. So, I took a few pictures of the kids before church. Sydney had to wear one of her pretty dresses.

Here is Logan looking all handsome.

Here is Sydney and her pretty dress.

I tried getting a shot of both of the kids but Logan was having no part of it.

So, after this trip to church, I am not so sure about having two little ones. Yikes were these two a handful! Cant go back right!

1 comment:

Nikki said...

Like I said the other day: having another child is really no big deal. She just adjust, like you did when you had the first one. And since you are no longer first-time parents it's so much easier. You can be more relaxed. If you see something happen to then you aren't like, "Oh my goodness! What do I do?? They have a rash!" Or whatever else. Because you have the experience of taking care of the first one so it's just easier. And then when you add ANOTHER child it's no big deal. Three is really no different than two. So you and Brian better have 3. Or 4, even. You have to keep up with the rest of us. ;-)