Thursday, May 27, 2010

Big boy bed

Last week I was downstairs talking to Brian because he was home for his lunch break and we heard a big thud. I asked, "What was that?" and Brian took off running upstairs. Turns out, someone learned how to climb out of their crib. The first time being not so successful. I wish I would have taken a picture of the bruise on his head, it turned all sorts of colors. Thankfully he wasn't really that injured.

The previous weekend we had bought a toddler bed because we knew with number two coming we would need the crib for he or she. So, we now knew that we just had to put the toddler bed together.

Logan seems to do alright. Some nights he fights going to bed harder than others but he usually will cry for a while and then crawl into bed. I am hoping soon that he just gives up and just goes to sleep right away. Wishful thinking? Maybe but I can hope. We have only found him in odd spots twice. Once when Brian put him down for his nap he just crashed in front of the gate. The other time he was sleeping on the floor next to the bed.

Daddy did it

We have been talking about getting Logan a sandbox for a while now. We have looked all over at different sandboxes and have not felt like spending 50 dollars for just a sandbox. So, Brian decided to build one for Logan. It turned out very well and he likes to fling the sand around thats for sure.

More of Sibley Park

I finally have had time to update so I have a few more pictures of Sibley Park.

Here is Logan checking out the goats.
They were hungry guys.

Here is the kids on the big cow they have there.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

18 months

Logan turns 18 months tomorrow and I thought I would go over some of his milestones. He is talking like crazy! Some of the words he says are:
  • Mama
  • Dada
  • Syd
  • Nana
  • Papa
  • Ermey (for Jeremy my sisters boyfriend)
  • Hammer
  • Elmo
  • Ernie
  • Big Bird
  • Cookie (see a trend?)
  • Saw
  • Blankie
  • Milk
  • More
  • Hat
  • Hot
  • Oww!
  • Up
  • Out
  • Kitty
  • Night night
  • Apple
  • Banana
  • Hello
  • Bye Bye
  • Tractor
  • Bubbles
Those are just a few that I can think of. I am sure there are ones I forgot. But I am amazed at how much he picks up on.

He doesn't have a ton of teeth but from what he will let me see I believe that he has the four front top ones and four front bottom ones and I believe two molars on top but he wont let me look so I am not sure.

He will sometimes use the potty. I am not pushing this because I figured we have time for this.

He is always running non-stop. I think I finally taught him how to go down the stairs so that he just doesnt go face first.

He adores being outside and running around. He also likes riding in his wagon and on his trike. Along with "helping" dad mow and "helping" Mom cook.

His little personality never ceases to amaze me. He is getting more and more fun as time goes on!

Sibley Park

This weekend we went to Sibley Park in Mankato. We went with Randi, Sydney and Randi's boyfriend Jeremy. It was a fun day. We visited with the animals, which there were very few of, and had a picnic in the park. Randi had asked me to bring my SLR camera with (aka non-digital) to take some nice pictures of the kids. After about five rolls of film we were finished. In the process we got some good ones of the kids and us as well!
Here is a good family picture that we got. Logan was fast but I was able to get some good pictures of him as well.

Here he is showing us his belly. He knows quite a few body parts now.

I LOVE this picture of him. He was going, "OHHH!" when the picture was taken and his face is priceless!

And lastly a kiss from Mom! Ohh how she loves this little guy!

Monday, May 3, 2010

Mini-Bragging moment

Here is a mini bragging moment- dont mind me.

Logan used to potty this last weeked. He went potty three times over the weekend. Then tonight he went potty and poop on the toilet!! He only goes if you ask him, he doesn't tell you he has to go. I hope this keeps going on. Maybe we will only have one in diapers instead of two!