Monday, December 27, 2010

Christmas Eve

So, after Church on Christmas Eve we went over to my parents house to eat dinner and then open gifts.  This first picture is right after the gifts had been distributed.

 This is my grandparents. My dad's parents. They come over every Christmas Eve.
 Sydney was told by Jeremy that this gift was indeed a George Forman grill.

This is Logan's big semi from Nana and Papa. He loves semi's. The reason he is shirtless is because he decided right before all the gifts were handed out that he would throw up all over the floor and himself. So, I took his shirt off because it smelled awful.

1 comment:

Nikki said...

Thanks for the vomiting visual. LOL! You have mountains of presents at both places. Wow!
Was Syd excited about getting a George Foreman Grill? ;-)