Monday, October 4, 2010

Pumpkinfest '10

Yesterday we went to the Pumpkinfest thing that helps with Cathedral's Technology funding. We headed out there with Randi and Sydney. It was quite interesting, lots of stuff to see. Sydney got her hair sprayed pink and green. We looked at some animals, walked the corn maze, ate some lunch, and bought a couple pumpkins. All in all it was a pretty good day.

 Here is a family photo.... turned out nice huh?? Ha ha! You can at least see my big belly in it. I believe Randi has a couple more family pictures somewhere on her camera.
 My little cutie pie!
This was his, "Okay mom, enough with the pictures" look.

1 comment:

Nikki said...

The picture of him on the pumpkin is really cute! We've yet to go to Pumpkinfest. Every year I say to myself, "We should go to that." And yet we haven't gone. I want to see the corn maze. Unfortunately again we can't go this year as we have my grandpa's 80th birthday party tomorrow.