Friday, June 1, 2012

The good, the bad, and the ugly

Yesterday I decided to buy the kids some finger paints. It took all that was in my neat-freak-controlling self to do this. I don't mind my kids getting dirty, I just usually have a threshold of dirty that I am not a fan of.

Anyway, in the morning the kids painted a little. Brenna just pretty much got her hands dirty while Logan was very much into it. He loved mixing the colors along with painting on his paper.

Fast forward to after school. Our daycare was closed for the day so my sister had asked if my neice, Sydney, could walk to our house instead. I told her that was fine. Sydney made it to our house just fine. After some afternoon snacks, a little toy room time, and a little Alvin and the Chipmunks, I decided it was time to go outside. So, off the two bigger kids went while I got Brenna's shoes on and got her ready. Brenna and I went out the back door and Logan and Sydney were no where to be found. Not a big deal because they usually stick around the house and I figured they were close.

After about two minutes of being outside I ran back in to grab my sweatshirt. So, I figured I would check through the kitchen windows to see what the kids were doing up front. I could not believe my eyes. They were fingerpainting our front porch!?! I was a little upset. I knew that Sydney had to open the fingerpaints because Logan didn't quite know how. I made them wait until my sister got here so that they could show her what they did. After they did that, they had to clean the mess up. Thank goodness the paint was washable!

I did not get a picture of the mess that they made, but I did get a picture of them cleaning up the mess. My neice is on the left hand side, then there is Logan and then there is Brenna. Sydney insisted that I didn't take a picture of them, but what she doesn't know.....

Can I just add that I am in LOVE with my Iphone and Instagram!!

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