Saturday, July 30, 2011

Relay for Life

Last night I spent 26 grudging hours awake, sweating, walking and enjoying Relay For Life. I ended up having a good time, even though I am exhausted today. Its amazing how many people are affected by cancer. Our team raised about 1800 dollars. Overall the whole town raised 98,000 dollars! That is just amazing!

Here are some pictures.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Pictures of the kids

Just some random pictures of the kids.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

The starting of potty training

So, knock on wood, Logan has been in the starting stages of potty training. He has been telling us when he has to go number 2. He won't tell us when he has to go pee but I will take him going number 2 in his big boy potty over in his pants any day! I hope that this starts sticking!

New Car

So, we have been talking about getting an SUV for quite a while. Something that is able to tow things, have four wheel drive and something bigger for our family. Last week we finally got our vehicle.

Here is our new Trail Blazer. The pictures were taken straight from Jensen's website, so I didn't take any of them. We traded in Brian's car and he now drives the Buick while I drive this. It fits a ton of stuff in the back which is really helpful.

Bath time

Since we don't have a bathtub, this is bathtime at the Goblirsch household.


I have really been lacking in the blogging department. I have been so busy with changing positions at work that I haven't had time. As of right now Logan and Brenna are with Brian in the playroom so I have a little free time. So, I will start where I left off.

Our first bike ride of the season.

As you can see we went with Randi and Sydney and it still was a little bit chilly outside. But, the kids enjoy it and the bonus is that our bike trailer doubles as a double stroller. It works out great!