Thursday, January 27, 2011


Yesterday we took the kids to Sears to get their pictures done. You can't tell where we got them done by looking at the pictures though. Right. We got Brenna's three month pictures and Logan's 2 year pictures.

They all turned out so cute it was hard to choose just one of each kid and one of them together. But, we did it. They should be back in the next two weeks.

Saturday, January 22, 2011


I forgot to mention. Brenna finally slept through the night last night. In fact I woke her up at 8:30 this morning to feed her. This is how I found her before I woke her.

How cute is she?

I also should mention she turned 3 months old on the 21st. Where has time gone? My baby is slowly turning into a little personality!

Happy Birthday Sydney

Sydney will be turning 7 (where does time go?) on Tuesday so today we went to Happy Joes to celebrate her birthday.

 Here is a picture of her cake. It as tasty!

 Getting her sundae and sung to.

Sharing her ice cream with Logan.
Brenna took a nap, until they honked the horn of course!


My sister has always said that chubby babies are so cute. She also says that Logan is just too darn skinny. So, to her pleasure Brenna is a big eater. She is starting to get the rolls around her thighs that my sister loves. I had to take some pictures of them of course.

This little girl likes hanging out in her diaper. She likes to talk and smile with you if you are dressing her. Funny since the first few weeks she hated sponge baths and getting undressed. Now she loves baths and being in her diaper.

Snuggle Friends

Every once in a while Logan decides he wants to hang out with his sister. I am sure in the future it won't always happen, but for now I enjoy the moments. Oh and its a great photo opportunity as well.

The last two pictures were taken when Logan joined Brenna in her crib Thursday morning. I showed him a picture of me asking him to smile and he looked at it and said with a funny look on his face, "Logie cryin?" I almost died laughing. I had to explain that is what he looks like when I tell him to smile, maybe he will learn now to actually smile.


So, Logan was sick the first week that I went back to work. He finally started sleeping through the night last week Thursday. We had to work with Randi, Jeremy, Brian's mom, and our schedules to make sure someone was at home with the kids the whole week he stayed home from daycare. I am glad that he is doing better now, sleeping through the night is a bonus.

Here he is eating some ice cream. That week I was happy with anything that he kept down. He had a fever from Sunday to Thursday. What finally broke the fever: The Chiropractor. I honestly believe what he does helps because the doctor just told us, "Its a viral infection, nothing you can do." But the day the Chiropractor sees Logan: improvements!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

New Computer

We decided to get a new computer this year. I opted for a desktop since I have so many pictures and it would offer us more room to store them (which it does).

I am in love. With a 23 inch monitor, wireless keyboard, photo editing software and lots of speed- it has wowed me. Brian asked if the monitor was overkill. I told him, "No way!" So, now I know why I went back to work this week. Boo.

Elmo Fanatic!

As everyone is aware, Logan is an Elmo fanatic. So, when Santa brought him an Elmo outfit he loved it.
 He got his "hair done" by Auntie Randi for New Years Eve.

Gotta include Big Bird.

New Years Eve

For New Years Eve this year we decided to have people over at our house. So, the Kapolczynski's and Mertz's came to our place. The kids played together and we all enjoyed some good food and fun conversation.

 We did a little Just Dance 2.
We put Toy Story 3 in for the kids and Piper decided she wanted to sit by Logan. He was just hanging out by himself and she crawled right up.