Tuesday, December 21, 2010

2 month check

Brenna went to the doctor this morning to get her baby well check. She is doing fantastic.

Here are her stats:

Weight: 10lbs 14 oz
Height: 24 inches
Head: 40 cm

I just looked in Logan's book and he was 10 lbs, 10 oz and 23 inches long. So, she is slightly taller and likes eating more than him. Which is true, she does like eating more than he did.

She got her shots and of course wailed. Which I was sure she was going to do because she is all girl and likes to scream when she needs something. So, she cried and the nurse even made a comment that she "is crying like I just hurt her feelings." Which was exactly how it sounded when she cried. My poor girl. She is peacefully sleeping in her car seat right now.

1 comment:

Nikki said...

Abby got a flu shot a few weeks ago, and she didn't even flinch. I was stunned. I told P&E they had to be just like Abby when they got THEIR flut shots, and they did. :)