Thursday, May 27, 2010

Big boy bed

Last week I was downstairs talking to Brian because he was home for his lunch break and we heard a big thud. I asked, "What was that?" and Brian took off running upstairs. Turns out, someone learned how to climb out of their crib. The first time being not so successful. I wish I would have taken a picture of the bruise on his head, it turned all sorts of colors. Thankfully he wasn't really that injured.

The previous weekend we had bought a toddler bed because we knew with number two coming we would need the crib for he or she. So, we now knew that we just had to put the toddler bed together.

Logan seems to do alright. Some nights he fights going to bed harder than others but he usually will cry for a while and then crawl into bed. I am hoping soon that he just gives up and just goes to sleep right away. Wishful thinking? Maybe but I can hope. We have only found him in odd spots twice. Once when Brian put him down for his nap he just crashed in front of the gate. The other time he was sleeping on the floor next to the bed.

1 comment:

Nikki said...

Way to go Logan! I really like that bed. The rails are nice. The toddler bed we have is metal. I like the wood one better.

That's funny that he slept on the floor.