Tuesday, February 16, 2010

New Camera

On Valentine's Day Brian suprised me, which is sometimes a hard thing to do. But, I got home from work and the house was quiet and there was a note telling me to go upstairs. When I got upstairs Brian was waiting and he had a couple presents for me. He had asked his parents to watch Logan so that we could go to dinner and a movie. I didn't want to spend the money to go to the movie so we had a little date night dinner at Perkins. It was quite nice eating without someone saying, "More" or "Milk" or "Out!" As for the gifts Brian ended up getting me a really pretty necklace that has two hearts on it and a new digital camera. I have been talking about getting a new camera for a while because after Florida I decided that I needed a better one.
So, of course I had to take some pictures to test out the camera!

Here is Logan, he was chilling in his little chair watching Elmo. He LOVES Elmo.

Here is a further out picture. He was all snuggly in his chair.

Here is a picture of one of our cats, Ruby.

Here are both of the cats together. Chloe and Ruby

Logan hanging out in his chair eating some Valentines chocolate.
Here is Chloe again.

And the after picture from the chocolate. He is a chocolate lover thats for sure.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Florida- Day Two

On the second day we finally headed to Disney's Magic Kingdom. We had planned on spending two days here so it wasn't so rushed. Along with that, Sydney's birthday fell on the Monday that we were there so Randi wanted her to meet the Princesses on her birthday so we avoided that part of the park. We ended up seeing ALOT of the park the first day.

Right when we got there, they had a show in front of the castle so we ended up watching that. Here is a little clip of the show.

Here is a full picture of the Castle.

Here is Walt Disney and Mickey together.

Our family picture in front of the castle. This was the best one we have and Logan's eyes are closed.

My dad trying on some ears- I love this picture!

At 3 in the afternoon they have a parade that goes through half of Disney so we had to watch that of course! Here are Minnie and Mickey. We learned later on that Minnie has over 200 outfits while Mickey has only 75. Interesting.
Here is Pluto walking by.
Just a few of the characters that walked by.

Mickey and Minnie bushes.

All of us in a picture together. You have my dad, my mom, Sheila, Sydney, Randi, Logan, Brian and myself in front of the castle.

At night they light up the castle and it changes colors. It was a day before the last Vikings game so my dad particualarly liked the purple.

Florida- Day One

So, we arrived in Florida on Friday afternoon. Being that we got in at 11, wedecided to make the 30 minute drive to Coco Beach to see the Ocean. We couldn't check into our rooms until 4 so this seemed like a great idea. After a few fights, tolls and getting a little lost we finally found the beach. Mr. Logan LOVED it. He wanted to go go go. He actually got pretty mad when we took him out of the water so that we could take a picture. The Park Ranger that was there told us that the water was only 58 degrees, but you know we didn't care. So, Sydney took off into the water in her little bikini and Logan ended up losing his pants and running about in the water. The rest of us hiked up our jeans, took off our shoes and enjoyed the water as well. Sheila, Sydney and I searched for seashells and Logan was all about the water.

A view of the beach. If you don't see it, in the bottom left side of the picture there is a guy who dug a HUGE hole so that he could bury himself in it.

Here is another picture of the beach. It was pretty.

Here is Randi and Logan walking in the water. This was his first steps into the water.

Here is Sydney in her teeny tiny bikini.

Here is Brian and Logan in the water. Sydney decided to go for it. Ha ha!

Here is Logan getting TICKED because we took him out of the water for a family picture.

We finally got a good family picture up on the pier after we took the little guy out of the water.

Here is Logan and Brian checking out the ocean. I love the look on Logan's face in this picture.

Here is Sheila checking out the view from the pier. She didn't know that I took this picture but I thought it turned out cool.

Lastly there is a picture of Brian and Logan checking out all the birds on the pier. There were plenty of them.