Sunday, February 20, 2011


Brenna has slowly been enjoying the bouncer.

Visiting Family

Brian's sisters came to visit for the day so we headed over to his parent's house to visit with everyone and so that the kids could play together. We ended up getting some good pictures.

 All the grandkids. Anna, Emma, Lincoln, Brady, Logan and Brenna.
 Something was funny.
 The boys
 The girls

The two youngest, six weeks apart roughly.

Going to church

We were getting ready for church one morning and Logan was watching Curious George on his portable DVD player as Brian was getting him ready. So, we layed him down next to Brenna to get him ready and they both ended up watching George together, it was cute.

They were holding hands at one point as well.

Snow monster

Trying on some BIG shoes. He has a fasination with shoes.