Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween

Happy Halloween from the Goblirsch's

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Logan's pumpkin

Well, Tuesday night Logan and Daddy finally got to carve his pumpkin. We have had this pumpkin since we went to Pumpkinfest several weeks ago, so its just been hanging out waiting to be carved. At first Logan wasn't sure about sticking his hand in the middle but after a while he was okay with it. Ms. Brenna hung out in her chair listening to all of the noise.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Halloween Cupcakes

Last night Logan and I made some Halloween cupcakes. I should say that I decorated and Logan ate sprinkles to be exact. They turned out good though. Tonight is pumpkin carving night.


Logan has been enjoying some Daddy and Me time these last few days since Mom has been preoccupied with baby. So, yesterday he decided they were going farming and playing with his cars.

While they were doing this someone else was enjoying peace and quiet.

Oh and I got a little reading in as well.

Monday, October 25, 2010


I just wanted to do a side by side comparison of my two little munchkins. My thoughts were right away that Brenna looked like Logan, I think I was right. These pictures were both taken the day they were brought home from the hospital.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Brenna Ann

Miss Brenna Ann was born on October 21st, 2010 (her due date) at 1:40 p.m. She is our little princess.

 Family picture. Logan is saying "cheese"

 He is one proud big brother. He likes giving her kisses and always tells mom and dad to take her when she starts crying.

Going home. She is a gorgeous baby. I may be biased though.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Baby Goblirsch

I have about a week and two days to go until my due date. So, before she is born- here she is.....

And I am as big as house.....

Monday, October 4, 2010

Computer wiz

Logan has a facination with our computer, which is probably why we are missing keys. But, he does like to watch little Elmo clips on YouTube.

Coloring with Daddy

Logan really likes to color. He likes coloring with color crayons and whenever he goes over to Grandma and Grandpa's he likes to color with Grandma because she lets him color with markers. We have some, I am just not brave enough to break out the markers yet. We have had a little bit of a crayon drawing on our doorway already, so I think I will leave the markers to Grandma's house.

Last weekend I caught Logan and Daddy coloring together.

Pumpkinfest '10

Yesterday we went to the Pumpkinfest thing that helps with Cathedral's Technology funding. We headed out there with Randi and Sydney. It was quite interesting, lots of stuff to see. Sydney got her hair sprayed pink and green. We looked at some animals, walked the corn maze, ate some lunch, and bought a couple pumpkins. All in all it was a pretty good day.

 Here is a family photo.... turned out nice huh?? Ha ha! You can at least see my big belly in it. I believe Randi has a couple more family pictures somewhere on her camera.
 My little cutie pie!
This was his, "Okay mom, enough with the pictures" look.