This one is a quick one. I am just going to post a few pictures of our new house. There are more to come but we are in the mist of unpacking so I am trying to catch things when they aren't a mess. I only got a few pictures before we moved in before my camera died.
Here is a view of the front. Brian was fixing the front door while Logan was helping him.
Here is our sold sign. Have to get a picture of that right?
Here is what you see when you walk in. Our living room.
Here is a picture through the doorway into the kitchen.
The other side of the kitchen. You can see the gold living room through the door. That will be painted this Tuesday.
Another view of the kitchen.
Here is our play room. This is what you see when you first look through the door.
A few more pictures of the play room. We have enough toys for a small country in here. I am also doubting it will always stay this clean especially with two kids.
Hopefully as we get more unpacked I can take more pictures. When we finally get everything organized I will also add pictures of the living room and kitchen again.