Sunday, June 27, 2010

Pretty new coffee table

One thing that Brian and I treated ourselves to with buying this house was a pretty new coffee table. We got it this weekend and I love it. Its unique and pretty.

Here is a picture of the top of the coffee table.

And here is the coffee table as a whole. Can you pick out the cat toy that was found under our stove when we moved??

Storm damage

Well, we walked out of the storms this weekend unhurt. Minus the back window of my car that is. Here you can see a picture of where it got hit by a huge piece of hail. It cracked all along the top of the window and down the side.

Hopefully it will be getting repaired soon.

New House

This one is a quick one. I am just going to post a few pictures of our new house. There are more to come but we are in the mist of unpacking so I am trying to catch things when they aren't a mess. I only got a few pictures before we moved in before my camera died.

Here is a view of the front. Brian was fixing the front door while Logan was helping him.

Here is our sold sign. Have to get a picture of that right?

Here is what you see when you walk in. Our living room.

Here is a picture through the doorway into the kitchen.

The other side of the kitchen. You can see the gold living room through the door. That will be painted this Tuesday.

Another view of the kitchen.

Here is our play room. This is what you see when you first look through the door.

A few more pictures of the play room. We have enough toys for a small country in here. I am also doubting it will always stay this clean especially with two kids.

Hopefully as we get more unpacked I can take more pictures. When we finally get everything organized I will also add pictures of the living room and kitchen again.

Logan's injury

So, Its been a while since I have had a chance to update with the moving and such so I am going to do a couple quick entries before heading to bed.

A few weeks ago Logan got another injury, this time from cousin Sydney. She has this need to always touch him and he always tells her to stop but she just doesn't get it. This time he got hurt from it. He hit his head on my car bumper and ended up with quite a bump on his head. Its still there a little bit but I am hoping that it will go away soon.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Bad Luck

I have a few photos to share with everyone of what has been going on but our computer has a virus so I can't download pictures at the moment. We are hoping my uncle can fix the computer in a timely manner in the next few days here. So, I should be updating soon. We move into our new house Friday so I hope to have pictures of that as well.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010


So, apparently Logan didn't like his dad putting him down for his nap today because he decided to seek revenge by getting naked and going to sleep. I guess I know what I will be doing after he wakes up- washing some sheets.

We have been pretty busy the last few weekends. We had a 30th birthday, wedding, flat track races, the list could go on forever. So, I haven't had much time to update.

We have recieved some exciting news the last few weeks as well. Last Friday we found out that we are expecting a baby GIRL! So, thats exciting.

We also sold our house this last week. We have to move by the 30th! I am quite excited about moving. I am not so excited about packing everything up in our house!

Well, thats all I have for now. I have some stuff to get done here before Logan wakes up from his naked nap.