Friday, February 20, 2009

3 Months

Well the little guy is now officially 3 months. He has grown so much in the last few months. He smiles like crazy, coos, sits in his Bumbo, eats his hands, and is on the verge of giggling. He is most likely ticklish. When we tickle him under his arms he smiles and coos. Not a normal coo but one that says when he is ready he will giggle.
Yesterday we went to Sears to get his 3 month pictures done. It was an interesting time. Logan was being stubborn and not wanting to smile but we got great shots despite it all. I love the pictures and think they turned out cute. I compare his pictures to those of Sydney's baby pictures and its kind of funny but they look alike. Hard to believe after seeing Brian and Logan's baby pictures but it is true! So, here just a few of his pictures.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Concert and Other Things

Well, things around here have been pretty busy the last few days. Friday night was our concert night. It was probably the best concert I have ever been to. Papa Roach was the best band out of all three and then came Avenged Sevenfold. Buckcherry was disappointing. But, it was our first full night away from Mr. Logan. About half-way through the concert I thought about him and got a little bummed out but I made it through. He was at my parent's house Friday night.

Then on Saturday we had an open house. So Thursday was spent getting the house ready for that and enjoying time as a family being that Brian had half a day off that day. So, this weekend Brian and I both worked. Saturday morning Logan went back to my mom and dad's house so that they could watch him while we both were working.

Our Valentines Day was pretty uneventful. We exchanged cards and got Perkins to go for supper. I ended up falling asleep about nine that night being that I had to work at six in the morning.

Logan changes every day. He found his hands a few weeks ago and likes to stick them in his mouth and he drools like crazy! He is such a strong little guy too, he holds his head up like a champ.

We recently bought a new tv and when sports are on he likes watching them because of all of the movement. He will usually sit in Brian's arms or sometimes he will sit in his Bumbo and watch. Its rather funny that he likes sports this early. Dad is sure happy about that!

We go to get his three month pictures next Thursday. My baby boy is three months old already!Other than that things are pretty much normal. Work and playing with Logan. But.... how can you resist this face?

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Sick Boy

Well, Logan's cold is still here. He is coughing so bad sometimes that he throws up his food or has a rough time with it.

He is growing more and more fun every day! I enjoy every minute that I get to spend with the little guy!

Our family is doing pretty well. Brian is s l o w l y feeling better and I have yet to get sick *knock on wood*. We just made a couple new purchases. A new TV that we got an excellent deal on and a new crib for Logan because the one he got from his cousin Sydney was recalled.

That is about all that is new with us so I thought I would put up some pictures of Logan's nursery. Keep in mind that the pictures have his old crib in there. His new crib is MUCH cuter.

This is my chair in the corner. Many nights were spent here when I was still nursing and now only once in the morning is usually spent here.

Here are his little Snoopy sports stars above his crib.

Here is the saying in between our bedroom and Logan's room.

Last and not least we have Chloe the wonder boy putting himself in the corner. He must feel that he is naughty because he sure likes that corner for some reason!